我們要向神獻上感恩, 因祂是堅固的磐石又是我們的拯救,並以恩慈待我們。謝謝您們不住 的代禱,神也使用您們成為妮雅一家極大的祝福。 也感謝教會的弟兄姊妹愛心的照料和代禱, 求主繼續祝福妮雅在家休養的時間,好讓她的身心靈完全康復過來。 以下是妮雅和Jonathan在Facebook的心聲:
Thank you, thank you, my friends & family, for your empathy, outpouring of love & prayers & service. You encouraged me with your messages, kept me company in the hospital when all I could do was lie there & wait for my body to heal. Good news -- home at last. On the road to full recovery. I feel very blessed by your love.
Dear friends and family,
Thank you for your love and support for Nia and our family during this time. I just wanted to share a song I'd heard before but it never really hit me until this recent trial. It has been a comfort to me and I hope it will also encourage you when you face trials and disappointments.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOOFAaUGfRE&feature=related
(If you can't see it, it's "Blessings" by Laura Story)
Thank you for your love and support for Nia and our family during this time. I just wanted to share a song I'd heard before but it never really hit me until this recent trial. It has been a comfort to me and I hope it will also encourage you when you face trials and disappointments.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOOFAaUGfRE&feature=related
(If you can't see it, it's "Blessings" by Laura Story)
我们要向神献上感恩, 因祂是坚固的盘石又是我们的拯救,并以恩慈待我们。谢谢您们不住的代祷,神也使用您们成为妮雅一家极大的祝福。也感谢教会的弟兄姊妹爱心的照料和代祷,求主继续祝福妮雅在家休养的时间,好让她的身心灵完全康复过来。以下是妮雅和Jonathan在Facebook的心声:
Thank you, thank you, my friends & family, for your empathy, outpouring of love & prayers & service. You encouraged me with your messages, kept me company in the hospital when all I could do was lie there & wait for my body to heal. Good news -- home at last. On the road to full recovery. I feel very blessed by your love.
Dear friends and family,
Thank you for your love and support for Nia and our family during this time. I just wanted to share a song I'd heard before but it never really hit me until this recent trial. It has been a comfort to me and I hope it will also encourage you when you face trials and disappointments.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOOFAaUGfRE&feature=related
(If you can't see it, it's "Blessings" by Laura Story)
Thank you for your love and support for Nia and our family during this time. I just wanted to share a song I'd heard before but it never really hit me until this recent trial. It has been a comfort to me and I hope it will also encourage you when you face trials and disappointments.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOOFAaUGfRE&feature=related
(If you can't see it, it's "Blessings" by Laura Story)