2008年5月16日 星期五

Latest English update from Nia

My apologies for not updating the blog in English sooner.  The last couple months since Mom has been home, she has made tremendous progress.  She can walk around in her own home, talk on the phone again and has the energy to go exercise (walk around the park several times with assistance) and wash dishes even though she can't see!  We are grateful for all the love & support for Mom & Dad and all the loving hands that prepared and delivered meals to them and helped around the house. 
In April, we encountered a surprising obstacle.  For some reason, 3 days before her scheduled follow-up appointments, the insurance company denied the request for proton therapy (for those who are unfamiliar with this procedure, here is some information:  http://www.proton-therapy.org/howit.htm) and so all her flights, follow-up appointments and previously scheduled proton therapy appointments (from May to June) were cancelled last minute.  That was a big disappointment since one of the reasons for undergoing surgery was to manage the tumor so that Mom could receive proton therapy.  But within a week, thanks to those praying, the matter was resolved & the appeal for proton therapy was approved.  Praise God for quickly & efficiently paving the way and for His provision.
Unfortunately, the insurance approval delay caused some schedule conflicts.  In the original plan after surgery, Mom was to take a short trip in April to Loma Linda for some follow-up MRI, CT scans & to make a mask for the proton therapy in May.  To make a long story short: Dad had a previous speaking engagement for CCOWE in Argentina & the original appointments were scheduled to accomodate that.  With the insurance delay, everything was pushed back so that Dad couldn't go with Mom.  With the great faith they both had, Dad went on his trip to Argentina and Mom flew down to LA and back by herself .  She had a few days where she was on her own at home but we're extremely grateful for all the friends & family that helped during this time.  (Thank you Auntie Caspar, Ada, Auntie Kathy, Goo-goo and others!)
So, yesterday, Mom & Dad drove down to Loma Linda in preparation for the first day of proton therapy this morning.  Thankfully, they found a short-term rental home.  The treatment requires a visit to the hospital every day (5 days a week for 7 weeks).  Today was a tiring day since the first day took longer than usual.  Please pray that the treatment will go according to plan & that God will uphold Mom & Dad through this time.
Thank you for your prayers, care & concern.  May God bless you.

