Just wanted to say thank you to all of you (over 4,000 different people with over 13,000 hits on this blog) for your faithful prayers, for your love & encouragment. Thank you for posting comments & for your care. Sorry I am unable to respond to each person individually but your love for our family is much appreciated. Thanks for being Mom's lifeline, for upholding her and our family in your prayers. Praise God for answering prayer! You are a blessing to us & your contribution has not gone unnoticed.
Thank you so much!
God bless you,
Nia on behalf of the Chiu Family
Yahoo! 用戶 2008年2月9日上午1:37
回覆刪除Dear Nia,
Even though you don't know us, we heard about you from your parents. Thanks for your message. If you know (I'm sure you know) how much God has used your parents to bless us here in China , what we are doing now (right now we can only pray) is limited (some of us wish to go to take care of your mom). We want to tell you you are not alone, we are here to support your family. We are far away by distance, but not by spirit.