Dear Friends,
Please pray that:
- My mom will regain consciousness. Right now she is still non-responsive. Even though she is sedated, the medication she's on is at a low dosage so it's not the medication that is keeping her from waking up. They tried a few times to take the tubes out and she was not able to breathe on her own. It's been close to 72 hours after the operation and she is still unconcsious & not able to breathe on her own. Once she is able to breathe on her own, she can be moved out of the ICU.
為母親重新恢復知覺禱告。現在她對外界的刺激仍未有反應,而正在她雖然使用鎮定藥物,但是藥量甚輕,並不足以影響她的醒轉,醫生多次嘗試除去氣喉,但她還是不能自行呼吸。距離手術後差不多已經七十二小時了,現正等待她只要有能力自行呼吸,便能離開深切治療病房。 - The blood clot will resolve on its own quickly. Right now the blood clot is not located in the area of her brain that would affect physical functioning when she wakes up. However, we are concerned that it could affect her mental functioning. Please pray against any ill side effects both physical & mental from the blood clot.
請為母親腦中的血塊能夠儘速自行消失禱告。現在血塊不是在影響她活動功能的區域內,但我們還是顧慮到她在智力功能上所受的影響。請特別為血塊不致影響她的活動及智力上的能力而禱告。 - Both my brothers are feeling pretty sick. Please pray for healing for them.
Nia 妮雅
I am forwarding the following message to you.
Dear Nia & family,
I have never met your mom but I've heard all the good things about her. Since I learnt that she had lost her vision, I was thinking about her all the time. But I also believe that God can turn all bad things to good, the good things can't be lost, and the best is yet to come. I trust that your mom will be in God's loving hands forever, and circumstances won't change this. I believe that God is using this important experience of her life to teach us all something; to be totally dependant on God in thick or thin. Please rest assured that you're NOT fighting a lonely battle. We are all behind you. We may be very little, but we have a giant warrior behind us. He will shield us from all evil.
I have a favorite bible verse which keeps me hopeful in times of trial; and I want to share this with you.
"In quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15
God bless your family!
Anna Tang