2008年2月12日 星期二

Mom has been discharged from the hospital

Mom has been released from the hospital!  It was unexpected but it was what we wanted.  It is much better to not have the feeding tubes & IV's and the noise & interruptions from the hospital.  She is able to take in regular food now & is able to walk around with assistance.  Both Josh & I were able to be with Mom this past weekend.  It was good to see her & to help take care of her.  Having spend the night by her bedside, I can empathize with Caleb & my Dad more.  They really have done a great job taking care of her, especially Caleb.  He's very attentive & detailed.  But it is very draining & tiring for them both, especially being up all night with her.  Please continue to uphold them in your prayers.
The doctors had forewarned us before the operation that Mom may not be herself after the operation for a few weeks.  I find that to be true.  Not only is she physically still weak but her personality, temperament & emotions are not entirely back to the norm.  There are moments where she is lucid but there are also times where she is incoherent.  We praise God that she is making great strides physically.  Please pray that she will improve quickly mentally.  And please pray that we will make the best decision for her follow-up treatment (whether she needs some professional rehab. assistance & where to get them, how long to stay in SoCal & when to come home).  It looks like the doctors want to go in from her nose for a second surgery to remove parts of the tumor that they couldn't touch from the 1st operation.
Thank you for lifting my family up in your prayers while I was gone.  Little Ethan did just fine!  We'll keep you posted. 

