2008年2月29日 星期五

Mom is home & is doing well

February 28, 2008 1:15 PM
Thanks for your generous hospitality, Auntie Doris & family!  We couldn't have asked for a better situation with a doctor, a nurse & a therapist living with Mom & Dad for the week after her discharge.
Mom, Dad & Caleb arrived home Sunday afternoon.  It took 2 days to make the trip up north.  Mom was not able to handle the whole car trip so they had to stop in the middle & stay over.  I know it must be nice to finally be home.  I felt so heartbroken to see how much everyone suffered:  Mom in her recovery -- the physical discomforts, not being able to do things for herself, relying on others to help, the sense of helplessness . . . for Dad, needing to cater to Mom's needs, losing 20 pounds, the stress, the frustration . . . Caleb lost 10 pounds too in this last month.  I wished that I could do more for them.
Thankfully, Mom is doing well.  She's familiar with her own house & can make her way around.  She still tires easily but seems to be doing well both physically & mentally.  Please pray that her spirit will be uplifted during this time.
God was so good to provide them with temporary part-time help.  It's exactly what they need right now.  We are looking to hire someone to help with cooking & simple housekeeping in about a week. 
Thanks for checking-in & for continuing to pray.  We are looking forward to Mom feeling better soon!

2008年2月23日 星期六

Feb 23 將返回北加州

親愛的代禱勇士們平安,                                                         Feb 22, 2008  9:20 PST



In HIM we serve,
Harrison & Kaye Hsiao
Chinese Family For Christ – LA

2008年2月22日 星期五

February 21 Update

Praise God for the many positive improvements in Mom's condition!
1) The doctors today checked out Mom's leg pain & there indeed was a blood clot there.  However, it is in the veins close to the surface of her skin so it is not dangerous nor life threatning but it is a bit painful.  Please pray that the blood clot will go away & that pain will be alleviated.
2) The blood clot in her brain did not seem to be of concern either.  The doctors think that even though it'll take time, it should be able to resolve on its own.
3) Her constipation & facial swelling both have improved.
4) The doctors said that her constant hunger was related to her being on steroids which have been necessary in the past weeks to help reduce swelling.  Starting tomorrow, she will no longer need to take the steroids and therefore her constant need to eat should also stop.
5) The team of doctors met today to discuss Mom's case.  They will call Dad tomorrow for further treatment planning.  Hopefully if all goes well, they can return home to the Bay Area this weekend for a few months before going back down for Proton Therapy treatment.
6) Please pray that we'll find an appropriate caretaker for Mom.  If anyone knows of any resources, please feel free to email me at: niawongmft@gmail.com
7) Please continue to uphold Dad & Caleb for strength in caring for Mom.  We'll keep you posted as to what type of help we might need once they come home.
8) Lastly, please keep Mom's spirits in your prayers.  It seems as if she's feeling depressed & unmotivated.
Thank you.

2008年2月21日 星期四

竹君師母手術後的最新情況 (二月廿一日)


  • 竹君師母右小腿十分疼痛,無法站立,甚至有礙於行。日前曾作過檢查,但查不出原因。求神賜智慧給醫生,好早些找出病因,以利治療。
  • 竹君師母現在情緒仍不穩定,恩考方式也大異於前。請為她能恢復以往的心智迫切代禱。
  • 竹君師母腦中的血塊,求神賜智慧給醫生,能早日清除。並醫治額頭水腫完全消退。
  • 明天(2/21)竹君師母將回醫院覆診,希望主治醫師 Dr. Hsu 能針對以上問題及日後的治療提出具體並有效的追蹤醫治計劃。希望她腦中的血塊及鼻竇下方後腦部份所剩餘的腫瘤組織不需要再次的手術,能以 Proton 技術清除。
  • 明天(2/21)尚需與 Proton 專科 Dr. Loredo 會面,求神帶領能與之訂定出最適合的診療計劃。
  • 竹君師母返家後,需要找一位適當的人選在家中照料,求神安排與帶領。
  • 請為邱會長及 Celab 身心靈的健康代禱,求主賜恩,親自安慰保守。

2008年2月18日 星期一

Feb. 18 Update

February 18, 2008 1:45 AM
Sorry I haven't posted an English update for a while.  For those who can only read English, I usually  post if there are some new requests or updates.  If you see a bunch of Chinese blog posts, I will generally summarize them in one English post.  Thank you for checking-in.
Please pray for my Dad & my brother, Caleb.  The two of them are taking turns watching over Mom.  It's a big physical & emotional burden on them.  It is stressful, tiring & sometimes depressing.  Mom wakes up many times at night so they can only get a few hours of shut-eye.  They take turns staying up with her at night.  Last week there were nights when Mom woke up 10-12 times either not being able to sleep or having to go to the bathroom.  She has trouble with constipation and she is constantly hungry.  It may be that parts of her brain relating to hunger were affected by the operation.  Please pray that her bodily functions (going to the bathroom, feeling hungry) will become more normal.  She complains of pain in her right leg but the doctors have checked for blood clots before her discharge & could not find anything wrong.  Please pray that they will be able to help her with the pain at the follow-up appointment sometime this week and for continued speedy recovery physically & emotionally. Her emotional responses & logical thinking are still not completely back to normal yet. Please pray for emotional, physical & spiritual strength for Dad & Caleb.  And that Dad will have a chance to get his toothache taken care of. 
Thanks for all your loving prayers.

2008年2月15日 星期五

2/15 禱告信

開刀之後,竹君的邏輯思考情緒反應與開刀前大不相同,會長和醒亞處於備戰狀態,需隨時 應付竹 君的所需,例如:要水喝要吃東西,問問題,上廁所…….所以他們艱難的程度比起在醫院有過之而無不及,他們輪流守夜,平均一晚只睡三個小時。
1.      竹君目前大便不通,影響睡眠休息,(會長需要戴手套抓大便)
2.      竹君全身腫脹的情形改善很多,但額頭兩邊還是很腫(尤其靠近太陽穴的地方)摸的時候有水,需要靠藥物消腫。
3.      右腳原來很痛現在有改善,只要有機會就會陪她走走。
4.      情緒反應邏輯思考無法控制。
5.      為會長全家的身心靈得蒙保守迫切禱告,求主讓他們在乾旱疲乏無水之地,依然心意滿足,骨頭強壯,像澆灌的園子,水流不絕的泉水。

2008年2月12日 星期二


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                   Feb. 11, 10:30 PM PST
  哈利路亞!感謝主!垂聽眾人的禱告,竹君師母今天下午出院了,她在邱會長和Caleb的陪同下,暫住在City of Upland一對夫婦的家中靜養,等待下週回醫院復診。她已經開始進食固體食物,感謝主!她今天的精神也還不錯。
  不過醫師表示等她體力恢復後,還需接受第二次從鼻竇附近進行的手術。以後又要接受漫長的Proton treatment 所以前面還有一段漫長的路要走,還有幾場艱辛的戰要打,不過深信我們的主是全能的主!是醫治的主!是聽禱告的主!祂既然聽了眾弟兄姐妹的禱告,讓這一次的手術出奇的順利,祂一定要施行完全的醫治。請繼續不斷的紀念竹君師母,為她代禱。如果您覺得有負擔,也請回應我們即將發起的四十天「連鎖禁食禱告」。
有成萬的百姓 (仇敵) 來周圍攻擊我,我也不怕。(詩三:3-6)
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org

Mom has been discharged from the hospital

Mom has been released from the hospital!  It was unexpected but it was what we wanted.  It is much better to not have the feeding tubes & IV's and the noise & interruptions from the hospital.  She is able to take in regular food now & is able to walk around with assistance.  Both Josh & I were able to be with Mom this past weekend.  It was good to see her & to help take care of her.  Having spend the night by her bedside, I can empathize with Caleb & my Dad more.  They really have done a great job taking care of her, especially Caleb.  He's very attentive & detailed.  But it is very draining & tiring for them both, especially being up all night with her.  Please continue to uphold them in your prayers.
The doctors had forewarned us before the operation that Mom may not be herself after the operation for a few weeks.  I find that to be true.  Not only is she physically still weak but her personality, temperament & emotions are not entirely back to the norm.  There are moments where she is lucid but there are also times where she is incoherent.  We praise God that she is making great strides physically.  Please pray that she will improve quickly mentally.  And please pray that we will make the best decision for her follow-up treatment (whether she needs some professional rehab. assistance & where to get them, how long to stay in SoCal & when to come home).  It looks like the doctors want to go in from her nose for a second surgery to remove parts of the tumor that they couldn't touch from the 1st operation.
Thank you for lifting my family up in your prayers while I was gone.  Little Ethan did just fine!  We'll keep you posted. 

2008年2月11日 星期一


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                      Feb. 10, 4:20 PM PST
  邱會長特地要我在此感謝眾弟兄姐妹對他們一家人,尤其是竹君師母的愛護、關心與代禱,也請求大家繼續為竹君師母及他們的家庭守望代禱,不過 為了讓竹君師母在這段時間能夠得到充分的休養,儘速恢復體力,在下週日 ( 二月十七日 ) 前請暫時仍然不要到醫院去探望,以免影響她的復原進度。以後再視當時情況,另行決定訪客之時間安排。敬請大家包涵見諒!
  舒亞 (Joshua) 的感冒已經好轉,感謝主!醒亞 (Caleb)仍然咳嗽,身體較為虛弱。會長的牙齒發炎,已經在昨天就醫處理,本週將預約牙醫拔除疼痛之牙齒。感謝主!據他表示這個週末他們全家有一個非常愉快的團聚。 Joshua & Nia也相繼搭機回去,求主繼續保守他們的腳蹤。
有成萬的百姓 (仇敵) 來周圍攻擊我,我也不怕。(詩三:3-6)
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org

2008年2月9日 星期六


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                      Feb. 8, 9:20 AM PST
  昨夜幾位洛杉磯之同工,一同到會長在醫院附近暫時居住的地方,帶了幾樣姐妹們所準備的晚餐,陪他過年 ( Celab到醫院陪伴竹君師母 。感謝主!為他和醒亞預備了這個寬敞的房屋,居高臨下,夜景非常漂亮,離醫院約只有兩哩。聽會長說他和醒亞曾經有一個夜晚,室內一片漆黑,看著山下180度的夜景,父子倆屈膝長談一些陳年往事,非常愉快也很感人。今天舒亞和Nia將分別從N. CarolinaSan Jose趕來探望竹君師母,相信神一定會讓他們全家有一個非常難忘的團聚。
  舒亞 (Joshua) 的感冒已經好轉,感謝主!醒亞 (Caleb)仍然咳嗽,身體較為虛弱。會長的牙齒疼痛仍未完全退去。請繼續迫切為他們全家代禱,這個週末的團圓,求主的榮光彰顯在他們當中,安慰扶持並且堅固他們的信心,徹底摧毀撒旦的計謀與攻擊。
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org

New Prayer Requests

February 8, 2008 10:55 p.m.
I talked to Mom this morning on the phone!  When she found out it was 2/8, she wanted to call to wish me a happy birthday!  That's a good sign!  She remembered! =)
My Dad only got a few hours of sleep last night because of a terrible toothache.  Today he went in to see a doctor & was prescribed some ibuprofen & penicilllin.  But he is in great need of rest & relief from the pain.
Mom was moved to a regular room last night.  Mom needs to be reminded not to pull her feeding tubes out.  It's more comfortable for her if her hands are not restrained.  If no one is in the room with her, they will most likely restrain her hands which makes it hard to sleep comfortably.  So, Caleb stayed over night in the hospital with her last night.  It was hard for both of them to rest since nurses came in every hour & from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. residents in training & hospital staff came in to check on her.
Josh just got into town a few minutes ago, having flown 6 hours from the East Coast.  Unfortunately he is also still not feeling well.  He was recovering but the travelling took a toll and has caused a setback in his recovery.  His stomach is not feeling well & he is still coughing.
I will fly in tomorrow morning also.  And will take the overnight shift for one night to relieve Caleb & Dad.  And will return home on Sunday.
Please pray
1) that Dad will get some relief from his pain & be able to sleep well tonight.  Please pray for a complete recovery from his toothache.
2) that both Mom and whoever is on night duty will be able to feel rested even with the interruptions from the medical staff & that Mom would cooperate.  Please pray for her agitation & that God would grant her peace & rest.
3) for continued healing for both Josh & Caleb. 
4) for my husband, Jonathan, as he will be with our 3 kids by himself for the time that I am gone.  And for my youngest son, Ethan, who has never been without me overnight & without nursing.  Hopefully he will adjust fine & not make it too difficult for Jonathan.

2008年2月8日 星期五

Prayer Request for 2/7/08 11:16 p.m.

Today Mom was able to brush her teeth with the help of an occupational therapist.  This afternoon she had a chance to work with a physical therapist to help her move about the room.  She's been feeling agitated & had tried to pull out her feeding tubes & wants to go home.  Please pray for a calm spirit & peace & patience for Mom as well as cooperation with the hospital staff.  We continue to pray that her vision will be restored & for a speedy recovery.  She will most likely be able to leave ICU and transfer to a regular room soon.  Thank you for your prayers.  Happy Chinese New Year, Everyone!

Heartfelt Thanks

Just wanted to say thank you to all of you (over 4,000 different people with over 13,000 hits on this blog) for your faithful prayers, for your love & encouragment.  Thank you for posting comments & for your care.  Sorry I am unable to respond to each person individually but your love for our family is much appreciated.  Thanks for being Mom's lifeline, for upholding her and our family in your prayers.  Praise God for answering prayer!  You are a blessing to us & your contribution has not gone unnoticed. 
Thank you so much!
God bless you,
Nia on behalf of the Chiu Family

2008年2月7日 星期四


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                      Feb. 6, 7:30 AM PST
  邱家的大兒子舒亞 (Joshua) 的感染感冒已經好轉,感謝主!小兒子醒亞 (Caleb) 身體仍然非常衰弱,咳嗽又有痰。請繼續迫切為他們代禱,求主堅固他們的信心,徹底摧毀撒旦的計謀與攻擊。
   53:5 因祂受的刑罰,我們 (竹君) 得平安;因祂受的鞭傷,我們 (竹君) 得醫治。
  敬祝新春快樂!LA 的同工們會在初一晚上準備一些食物,到會長及醒亞目前在醫院附近短暫租用的住處,代表全球家新人和他們共渡新年。
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                      Feb. 7, 6:00 AM PST
  舒亞 (Joshua) 的感冒已經好轉,感謝主!醒亞 (Caleb)仍然咳嗽,身體較為虛弱。會長因為太勞累了,昨天晚上感到很疲倦,牙齒疼痛。請繼續迫切為他們及Nia全家代禱,求主堅固他們的信心,徹底摧毀撒旦的計謀與攻擊。
有成萬的 (仇敵 來周圍攻擊我,我也不怕。詩三:3-6 )
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org

2008年2月6日 星期三

Mom's update

Prayer & Praise:
1) At 10 a.m. this morning, the nurses removed Mom's ventilator as she is able to breathe on her own!  She is off all medications at this point.
2) She asked to use the bathroom, for water & food which are all good signs although she's not able to get out of bed yet because there's still a bag for blood drainage from the operation.  And there's still a restriction on food & water intake due to the monitoring of her breathing.
3) The 4th thing she asked for was for a toothpick.  This seemed a little strange.  And when Dad asked her not to touch her stitches she was a bit belligerent.  Please pray against any emotional & mental damage from the operation/blood clot. 
4) Please continue to pray for the restoration of her vision, hearing & sense of smell as she is gradually regaining her physical functioning.

2008年2月5日 星期二

More Specific Prayer Requests for Mom from Joshua Chiu

Hey Friends!
Praise God! Just got off the phone with my Dad and Mom is much improved!  The doctors said that as of this morning, she was able to breathe on her own, but they still have not removed the ventillator tubes in fear of her airways collapsing.  Dad says that when he asks her to open her eye (right eye) if she can hear him or understand, she is able to do so, when not too tired.  She is also able to wiggle her toes at the doctor's request! Only thing of concern is that she still has no signs of motor function in her hands.
Thank you for your continued prayers...
- jc
Hi Friends,
Please pray that:
1) My mom will regain consciousness.  Right now she is still non-responsive.  Even though she is sedated, the medication she's on is at a low dosage so it's not the medication that is keeping her from waking up.  They tried a few times to take the tubes out and she was not able to breathe on her own.  It's been close to 72 hours after the operation and she is still unconcsious & not able to breathe on her own.  Once she is able to breathe on her own, she can be moved out of the ICU.
2) The blood clot will resolve on its own quickly.  Right now the blood clot is not located in the area of her brain that would affect physical functioning when she wakes up.  However, the doctors are concerned that it could affect her mental functioning.  Please pray against any ill side effects both physical & mental from the blood clot.
- jc


Hey Friends!
Praise God! Just got off the phone with my Dad and Mom is much improved!  The doctors said that as of this morning, she was able to breathe on her own, but they still have not removed the ventillator tubes in fear of her airways collapsing.  Dad says that when he asks her to open her eye (right eye) if she can hear him or understand, she is able to do so, when not too tired.  She is also able to wiggle her toes at the doctor's request! Only thing of concern is that she still has no signs of motor function in her hands.Thank you for your continued prayers...

- jc
Hi Friends,
Please pray that:
1) My mom will regain consciousness.  Right now she is still non-responsive.  Even though she is sedated, the medication she's on is at a low dosage so it's not the medication that is keeping her from waking up.  They tried a few times to take the tubes out and she was not able to breathe on her own.  It's been close to 72 hours after the operation and she is still unconcsious & not able to breathe on her own.  Once she is able to breathe on her own, she can be moved out of the ICU.
2) The blood clot will resolve on its own quickly.  Right now the blood clot is not located in the area of her brain that would affect physical functioning when she wakes up.  However, the doctors are concerned that it could affect her mental functioning.  Please pray against any ill side effects both physical & mental from the blood clot.
     - jc 

2008年2月4日 星期一

More specific prayer requests for my Mom from Nia

Dear Friends,

Please pray that:
  1. My mom will regain consciousness.  Right now she is still non-responsive.  Even though she is sedated, the medication she's on is at a low dosage so it's not the medication that is keeping her from waking up.  They tried a few times to take the tubes out and she was not able to breathe on her own.  It's been close to 72 hours after the operation and she is still unconcsious & not able to breathe on her own.  Once she is able to breathe on her own, she can be moved out of the ICU.
  2. The blood clot will resolve on its own quickly.  Right now the blood clot is not located in the area of her brain that would affect physical functioning when she wakes up.  However, we are concerned that it could affect her mental functioning.  Please pray against any ill side effects both physical & mental from the blood clot.
  3. Both my brothers are feeling pretty sick.  Please pray for healing for them.

Nia 妮雅

哈利路亞!感謝主!竹君師母有一些進步了!請繼續為竹君師母及邱家迫切代禱! 200

親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                      Feb. 3, 11:20 PM PST
  邱家的大兒子舒亞 (Joshua) 在South Carolina感染感冒,肺衰竭的癥候再度出現。小兒子醒亞 (Caleb) 目前在南加陪伴會長,也感染重感冒,身體較為衰弱。會長當然更是承受極大的壓力,也請繼續迫切為他們代禱,求主堅固他們的信心,徹底摧毀撒旦的計謀與攻擊。
  賽 53:5 因祂受的刑罰,我們 (竹君) 得平安;因祂受的鞭傷,我們 (竹君) 得醫治。
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                      Feb. 3, 11:20 PM PST
  邱家的大兒子舒亞 (Joshua) South Carolina感染感冒,肺衰竭的癥候再度出現。小兒子醒亞 (Caleb) 目前在南加陪伴會長,也感染重感冒,身體較為衰弱。會長當然更是承受極大的壓力,也請繼續迫切為他們代禱,求主堅固他們的信心,徹底摧毀撒旦的計謀與攻擊。
   53:5 因祂受的刑罰,我們 (竹君) 得平安;因祂受的鞭傷,我們 (竹君) 得醫治。
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org

2008年2月3日 星期日


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:                      Feb. 2, 9:30 PM PST
  他們的大兒子舒亞 (Joshua) South Carolina感染感冒,肺衰竭的癥候再度出現。小兒子醒亞 (Caleb) 目前在南加陪伴會長,也感染重感冒,昨夜突然下瀉,身體較為衰弱。會長當然更是承受極大的壓力,請迫切為他們代禱,求主堅固他們的信心,徹底摧毀撒旦的計謀與攻擊。
In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org

2008年2月2日 星期六


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:             Feb. 1, 3:25 PM PST
感謝蘇文隆牧師用聖經太十九: 26 勉勵我們:「在人這是不能的,在神


親愛的代禱勇士及關心竹君的家新人們:             Feb. 1, 10:00 PM PST




邱會長要到明天上午才能再進入加護病房探視竹君,我們已經從國際家新香港資源中心拿到竹君師母禱告日誌之password ,從現在開始我們會設法將我們所得到的最新狀況,不定時的公佈在網上,敬請自行上網http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/cffc-prayer  查詢代禱;
或上國際家新網頁:http://cffc.org ,點擊最底部之一行小字:竹君師母的代禱日誌即可閱讀。



In Christ
Michael & Wendy Lin
林明樞 (總幹事)
20651 Golden Springs Dr., #398
Walnut, CA 91789
Tel: 909-837-9684
Website: http://www.CFFCUSA.org