2008年2月29日 星期五

Mom is home & is doing well

February 28, 2008 1:15 PM
Thanks for your generous hospitality, Auntie Doris & family!  We couldn't have asked for a better situation with a doctor, a nurse & a therapist living with Mom & Dad for the week after her discharge.
Mom, Dad & Caleb arrived home Sunday afternoon.  It took 2 days to make the trip up north.  Mom was not able to handle the whole car trip so they had to stop in the middle & stay over.  I know it must be nice to finally be home.  I felt so heartbroken to see how much everyone suffered:  Mom in her recovery -- the physical discomforts, not being able to do things for herself, relying on others to help, the sense of helplessness . . . for Dad, needing to cater to Mom's needs, losing 20 pounds, the stress, the frustration . . . Caleb lost 10 pounds too in this last month.  I wished that I could do more for them.
Thankfully, Mom is doing well.  She's familiar with her own house & can make her way around.  She still tires easily but seems to be doing well both physically & mentally.  Please pray that her spirit will be uplifted during this time.
God was so good to provide them with temporary part-time help.  It's exactly what they need right now.  We are looking to hire someone to help with cooking & simple housekeeping in about a week. 
Thanks for checking-in & for continuing to pray.  We are looking forward to Mom feeling better soon!

